Promising Start-up Domains
Start-up incubator Y-Combinator just published its 2024 wish list. Termed their “Request for Start-ups”, the list enumerates the areas that the group’s partners are most eager to support- areas where they see great promise.
While this is not the only wish list around, it’s a useful look at domains where some see significant potential. Not surprisingly, AI features prominently on the list, but there are also some interesting call outs like: “better enterprise glue”, “developer tools inspired by existing internal tools”, and “commercial open source companies”.
Applying Machine Learning To Robotics
Using Machine Learning To Simulate The Physical World
New Defense Technology
Bring Manufacturing Back To America
New Space Companies
Climate Tech
Commercial Open Source Companies
Spatial Computing
New Enterprise Resource Planning Software
Developer Tools Inspired By Existing Internal Tools
Explainable A.I.
L.L.Ms For Manual Back Office Processes In Legacy Enterprises
A.I. To Build Enterprise Software
Stablecoin Finance
A Way To End Cancer
Foundation Models For Biological Systems
The Managed Service Organization Model For Healthcare
Eliminating Middlemen In Healthcare
Better Enterprise Glue
Small Fine Tuned Models As An Alternative To Giant Generic Ones
Y-Combinator provides an explanation of each category on their site.
Bill Haines, Partner